Founder and CEO of Flourister AG. Industrial and organizational psychologist with 20 years of experience in PD/OD. Based on his research into cultural and behavioral development in dynamic, self-organizing forms of organization, Flourister was created.
Our mission
Helping people and organizations develop
in connectedness, capacity and competence
(vertically and horizontally).
Vertical transformation
Gain insights and grow in maturity
to transform thinking and acting.
Transform the way you influence
others and integrate reality.

Horizontal expansion
Expand own capacity and acquire new
competencies to act more resiliently.
Practice and self-awareness, so that you can
expose yourself in a socially connected world.
Living our principles
Working is learning
Learning is part of work. Learning happens mainly in practice and in exchanges with others. Agile learning, in cooperation with others, creates new neural pathways and enables the formation of new habits.
Action inspires reflection
Reflective learning with peers is an efficient method to develop new habits, change behavior and develop a growth mindset. It leads to higher efficiency, more stable relationships and more commitment.
Change means risk
Exposing oneself, taking risks and showing vulnerability are potent drivers of change. Asking for structured feedback, learning and developing in a transparent, social setting accelerates personal growth.
Support promotes growth
Developing yourself, changing your behavior and acquiring more desirable habits is a challenging task. Appreciative support from trustworthy peers, employees, and coaches provide the optimal breeding ground for growth.
Making it happen
A great team with a strong vision, transforming learning at work.

JOHN KUENZLERManaging Partner

J. CARLOS RAGETHHead Marketing
Head Marketing & Sales with over 20 years experience in the range of classical marketing, direct marketing, online marketing and CRM. He was co-founder and managing director of nettoshop AG. Carlos has several years of experience as CIO and is a speaker for CRM and e-commerce.

Expert for global performance management projects, recruiting, talent management and HR transformation. She built up the Talent Management in a global pharmaceutical company and accompanied post-merger integrations for more than 15 years.